GaiaPocket - Open GIS client for Mobile

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Welcome to GaiaPocket!

GaiaPocket is a .NET Compact Framework GIS client written in Visual Basic. A GIS client is a tool that allows you to browse Geographic Information Systems (more info here). A GIS is something like Google Maps, but unfortunately GaiaPocket doesn't support the real Google Maps.

With GaiaPocket, you can also create your own custom GIS client by using the lower-level libraries:

GaiaPocket is built on .NET Compact Framework 2.0. This allows you to install GaiaPocket on any mobile device that supports .NET CF without recompiling the source code to a specific platform/device.

At this time, only Windows Mobile supports GaiaPocket. This is the Operating System that comes with 99.9% of PDA devices.

Remember that GaiaPocket is Open Source. The software is released under Microsoft Public License and Microsoft Reciprocal License, both OSI-approved.

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